Armed Resistance Against Gun Control: When Is It Time To Start Shooting?
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Gray Guest
2013-04-28 20:24:13 UTC
We will shoot the drones out of the air and nobody will shoot back at
us because that doesn't happen when we're shooting beer cans in the
back lot. And those paper targets at the range don't shoot back
either. Hell! They don't even move when you shoot at them!
Ray Keller will be our leader, he will stand at the front and take the
first bullet for freedom. I bet that he'll be swatting bullets out
of the air and grinning like John Rambo.
I wonder how Ray will manage, now that the price of ammo exceeds his
monthly government disability check?
I'll be munching on Ramen noodles in the hutch, watching it on TV like
99% of the other pear shaped 'fearless' gun loons who like to talk the
talk, but never walk the walk.
The German people were made to suffer for the sins of the Nazis. Don't
expect to get off that easy.
Refusenik #1

Libs suffer from Eleutherophobia. And there is no cure.

Obama called the SEALs and THEY got bin Laden. When the SEALs called Obama,
Gunner Asch
2013-04-28 23:03:50 UTC
On Sun, 28 Apr 2013 13:22:41 -0700 (PDT), charly
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We will shoot the drones out of the air and nobody will shoot back at
us because that doesn't happen when we're shooting beer cans in the
back lot. And those paper targets at the range don't shoot back
either. Hell! They don't even move when you shoot at them!
Ray Keller will be our leader, he will stand at the front and take the
first bullet for freedom. I bet that he'll be swatting bullets out
of the air and grinning like John Rambo.
I wonder how Ray will manage, now that the price of ammo exceeds his
monthly government disability check?
I'll be munching on Ramen noodles in the hutch, watching it on TV like
99% of the other pear shaped 'fearless' gun loons who like to talk the
talk, but never walk the walk.
Actually...you will be munched on by insects and worms as you slowly
rot in that mass grave. Bet on it.
